Funny Birthday Wishes to your Husband
Wishing “Happy Birthday” can sometimes get more formal than necessary, or even slightly. The celebration of a birthday often carries too much clout, although you would believe that formalities are hard to find in a personal relationship or in a marriage. Unfortunately, we sometimes tend to overload our spouse’s birthday with a burden that just doesn’t suit the circumstances. If we accept the fact that it’s usually women that traditionally take up the role of the romantic one in a couple, we’ll see that men usually expect something lighter. Check out these Funny Birthday Wishes to your Husband below.
That’s where our funny birthday wishes collection comes in. Instead of taking the sentimental way to your husband’s heart, try sending something funnier. Of course, you are the one who knows if it’s time for jokes, but your husband will most probably appreciate the gesture. Share these funny and witty wishes with him and make him crack a smile on his special day. That bottle of wine might as well wait till next year…
Funny Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- My mother and father may have disapproved of us getting married, but that didn’t stop me! Now that you know how stubborn I can be, you best prepare yourself for a lifetime of not getting what you asked for! So you can guess my answer to that “special” birthday request you had. Happy Birthday!
- I do love how you stick to me like glue, it certainly makes it easy for me to keep track of where you are and what you are doing at all times. Happy Birthday!
- I didn’t get you a fancy gift this year, instead I thought it best to go with something sentimental. Remember that time you told me how happy it makes you when I wear red? Well, I’ve bought a whole new outfit and accessories in lush red colours. Just for you! Happy Birthday!
- My dearest husband, you protect me, shelter me, feed me and make my life one of pure privilege and security. How can I ever thank you. Here’s an idea, I’ll help you keep healthy so that you can enjoy life to the full for as long as possible! Let’s start by cutting the cake from today! Happy Birthday!
- It’s time for me to start pulling my weight around the house I know. So today for your birthday I’ve cleaned all the rooms and made the house pretty, all for you! So now do your part, get in the kitchen and make us some dinner. Happy Birthday!
- If you can’t beat them, join them. That’s my father’s favorite business strategy, which is partly why we got married in the first place. I’m not afraid to say it to you, because let’s face it, I’m a real catch. Happy Birthday!
- You’re the best husband a lady could hope for. Kind, handsome, charming and clever. If only were also tall. Not to worry, 4 out of 5 boxes is not bad at all! Happy Birthday!
- When we have children I want them to have your nose, my attitude, your bravery and my legs. Wouldn’t that make the best birthday gift of all! However, if too many of those things are missing, we might have to rethink our positions in this relationship. Have a very Happy Birthday!
- My darling, my joy, the light of my life and the perfect specimen of a man: God has truly blessed me with such a fine husband, that everyday I feel obliged to thank him for making us meet and fall in love. Without you my glass was empty, and then when I finally had you it became completely full. The kids may be making a mess of things right now, but don’t worry, just a few more years until we are free again. Every year brings us one step closer! Happy Birthday!
- On your birthday, husband, I would like to let you know that you are a real go-getter! You go get a beer! You go get a bag of chips! You go get yourself a spot on the couch, so you can sleep! Have a Happy Birthday!
- Husband, it is your birthday. And you are here. Like you always are. Happy Birthday.
- You could sit on the couch, today. You could watch TV for hours on end. You could make two sandwiches, eat them, then fall asleep. Or you could do all of these things, at some point today! The possibilities are endless! Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday, husband! Am I going to say that I am married to an old man? Yeah. I am going to say that I am married to an old man. Enjoy your day!
- Husband, in a marriage, honesty is very important! Today marks the first day of old age! Happy Birthday!
- Wishing someone ancient a very Happy Birthday! Enjoy it, husband!
- Husband, it is your birthday! Time to celebrate! Or nap. You are old now. You should really just take a nap.
Related: Ideas for Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- Wishing my husband Happy Birthday! Usually, I would let someone know that getting older is not such a big deal! In your case, it IS a big deal! Seriously, you should be worried, right now… #thatsthespirit
- Today, husband, you might think that you should go out and party. Ignore those thoughts! You are way too old, and will get lost on the way home! Happy Birthday!
- Husband, since it is your birthday, I will not give you a hard time about eating too much and falling asleep on the couch. Tomorrow is another story! Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday, husband! You are unbelievable! Not in the way that you might think. I mean it is unbelievable how old you truly are!
Witty and Smart Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- My life began when we first met, and I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I mean double denim, what were you thinking? Happy Birthday!
- We don’t need money or riches to make us happy, we have each other for that. The money and riches will come in handy making the act of raising our children bearable. Happy Birthday!
- I had a few good options for suitors at the time we started going out. You might think I picked you for your good looks and charm. The truth is I picked you because you’re tall and will give me a life of being allowed to wear heels as much as I want. I heard pure honesty is the key to any relationship. Happy Birthday!
- To my dear hubby wubby! I’ve never called you that before but I am going to start. I also plan on starting other cliche housewife habits. These include: suffering from frequent headaches, nagging about mess, nagging about chores, nagging about date nights, taking midday naps, having evening baths, picking prime time tv, gaining several pounds and ordering take out for dinner. Just letting you know what you are in for. Happy Birthday!
- So many of my friends are jealous that I have been able to marry so early, I bet most of your friends laugh at you for it. Oh well! Happy Birthday! #noprenup
- People may always make comments and joke about the age gap between us. My reply to them is always the same. If you could, you would. Happy Birthday!
- On your special day, husband, I have the honor of reminding you that you are an intelligent, compassionate, and brave man! I am grateful to have you in my life! May you have an extraordinary birthday!
- Beloved husband, I treasure every moment that we spend together! May your birthday overflow with more, precious moments! May you continue to be aware of how much I value you, and our lives, together! Happy Birthday!
- Best Wishes to my incredible husband on your special day! You are a dignified man, who I have the highest regard for! May you be surrounded by many people, who treat you with the respect that you deserve, not just on this day, but on all of the days that follow!
- Happy Birthday to the most romantic man I have ever met! Every day, you remind me of how special and loved I am! Today, I would like to remind you of your uniqueness, kindness, and giving nature! May this birthday stand out, in your memories! May you always cherish it!
Related: Funny Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- Marking your date of birth, with joy in my heart! Husband, you are the reason why our marriage works! You never fail to communicate with me, regarding your concerns and what you believe keeps our union strong! May you feel even more expressive, today! May you have thought provoking conversations with people who mutually value you insight into important issues! Happy Birthday!
- Commemorating the day that my great love was born! Husband, you possess strength of character! You are the most disciplined man that I know! Today, I hope you see how much of an inspiration you are to me, and to everyone else who has the honor of knowing you! Happy Birthday, husband!
- Here is to a husband whose life is worthy of celebration! You have accomplished a multitude of extraordinary things, so far! May you reflect on this, during your special day, and look forward to a new year of achieving even more goals! Happy Birthday!
- My husband, may the date of your birth bring joy to your heart! May remembrances of dreams realized, show you that you are living your true purpose! May this message, filled with love and unwavering respect, find you in high spirits! Happy Birthday!
Comparing your husband with a celebrity in a funny way
- I might not be Angelina Jolie, and you are not exactly Brad Pitt. But if we were both killers in our secret lives like in Mr and Mrs Smith, I would lose the fight on purpose. Just so that you were left to clean up all the mess. Happy Birthday!
- If I had to one of the characters from “Friends” that you are most like, I would have to say it was Joe. Not so much because he is sexy and lovable, but more importantly because he eats everything he can get his hands on! Happy Birthday!
- George Clooney might have the looks, but you certainly have the brains. Don’t ask me which is more important, as you might not like the answer. Happy Birthday!
- If you get to be William Wallace from Braveheart, I’m allowed to be Elsa from Frozen. It was your idea for us to dress up, so deal with it! Happy Birthday!
- You are just as handsome as Leonardo DiCaprio, as charismatic as Anthony Hopkins, and as smooth as Matthew McConaughey. Too bad you are also as silly as Sacha Baron Cohen’s characters. And you definitely don’t suit that mankini. Happy Birthday!
Short Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- Let the birthday boy see the cake! Happy Birthday!
- There is no shame in admitting you want to skip everything and go straight to the bedroom presents. Happy Birthday!
- The best things in life might be free, but the best husbands in the world cost you everything! And rightly so. Happy Birthday!
- I’m going to make this a birthday for you to remember. You’re getting older so we need to get the “banker laps” in. Happy Birthday!
Cute Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- Happy Birthday to my dear husband! You are a wonderful man, who makes me really happy! Enjoy your very special day!
- Wishing the love of my life, the happiest of birthdays! You always know how to make me smile! Here is to a birthday, filled with love and joy!
- Sending a Happy Birthday message, to the greatest guy that I know, my husband! I hope you have a fun-filled day, surrounded by people who truly care about you! Best wishes, sweetheart!
Related: Romantic Birthday Wishes for your Husband
- Husband, I am smiling today, because it is your birthday! I have the opportunity to tell you, even more, how much you mean to me! I also have the opportunity to reaffirm my commitment to you! Have a terrific day!
- My darling, a special day has arrived, your birthday! You are the man of my dreams, and I hope that everything that happens today, lives up to yours! Happy Birthday!
- Sweetheart, you are a blessing to me! You are a strong, yet sweet man who really cares about the people in his life! I hope that everything that happens on your birthday makes you feel like you are appreciated! Happy Birthday, husband!
- Sending the greatest love I will ever know a Happy Birthday wish! I wish that everything you hope for comes to you! Enjoy your special day, husband!
- Husband, you are a terrific man! I hope that your birthday finds you around other agreeable people! I hope that you smile and laugh and enjoy your special day!
- Cheers to my husband, on your birthday! My life is interesting and exciting, because you are in it! Have a very Happy Birthday!
- Wishing my dear husband a fantastic birthday! I hope that you enjoy your party tonight, and that time spent with people who really love you makes you feel warm inside!
- Happy Birthday to my marvelous husband! You are the kind of man I hoped that I would marry! You are funny and considerate! I hope that you fully enjoy this incredible day!
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