Good Night Quotes
Special memories are made during that special period before bedtime as you prepare to end the day and anticipate a fresh start when you wake. As you let go of the frustrations or revel in the triumphs of the day, a few sweet good night messages from people near and dear to you can make all the difference in getting a restful sleep or tossing and turning through the night. Be an inspiration to someone you care about by sending them messages that you are there to cheer them on good days and help them up on disappointing days. Provide motivation to someone who may be having a difficult time seeing the sunshine behind the clouds. Physical distance is not a problem. Send messages via social media or private sms on your phone. A brief email with graphics or a video file will be treasured forever. Whenever possible, make sure to deliver good night quotes in person with warm hugs and kisses. Send an amazing good night wish to your boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend. When its time to say Good Night to your love or your special friends, you can help them end their evening on a pleasant note. There are numerous creative ways to express your wish that they enjoy a peaceful, refreshing rest. Night time wishes can be the perfect time to add a splash of romance in your relationship with your significant other when you have to be apart. Whether youre away from home on business or traveling for any reason, sending a Good Night quote can draw you closer to the ones you miss. Here are some carefully crafted, thoughtful good night messages your love or friends would likely be thrilled to receive from you. Whether in a text or left as a note at their bedside, these sweet words will inspire feelings of appreciation and happiness. Check out Good Night Quotes below.
Amazing Good Night Quotes For Those You Love
No matter the darkness, daylight always comes. Go to sleep, my dear, and know that a new day awaits you. You will begin it fresh and refreshed.
Tonight Ill be dreaming of you. I hope youll be dreaming of me, too! I love you and look forward to the next time we get to be together. Goodnight, my dear!
I cant stop thinking about you. Tonight as you go to sleep, I hope you remember how very special you are to me. Sweet dreams, my love!
Your love carries me away to another world. May thoughts of the times weve spent together fill your mind with dreams of the love we share. Goodnight, my darling!
I hope you enjoy sweet dreams tonight, my dear. Youre so beautiful, smart, and fun to be with that sometimes I have to pinch myself and wonder if Im dreaming when Im with you!
Each night as I drift off to sleep, I dream of the next time we can be together. Sweet dreams, my love, until we meet again. I love you!
Remember we used to wish upon a star when we were kids? Tonight when you go to bed, make a wish and Ill wish that it comes true.
Before you go to sleep tonight, look out your window at the stars and remember that our love is as true and constant as their light. Sweet dreams, darling.
As mysterious as moonlight, so is the magic of the love we share. May your dreams tonight be filled with the mystique of our love. Good night, my darling.
Tonight, do not fear the shadows. It is just the interplay of light and darkness. In the end, light always wins just as you and me together triumph over all odds.
There is no darkness so deep that true love cannot pierce. Good night, my love, and know that I am always here for you in darkness and in light.
There may be great distance between us, but you can feel the warmth of my embrace as you close your eyes tonight. I am always with you.
You make my life seem like a bed of roses all the time. I am blessed. Good night and pleasant dreams.
In your eyes, I see the promise of wonderful tomorrows. Good night, my dearest. I look forward to basking in the warmth of your eyes again.
Do not be afraid of the night, my love. It is the secret behind a brighter day tomorrow.
You fill my days with sunshine and my nights with pleasant dreams. I love you in the daytime and in the depths of night.
You are everything I dream of through the night. I must be smiling silly all night.
I miss you whenever I think of you. But when I close my eyes, I see you smiling, and I know we will be together again soon. Good night from my corner of the world.
If youre having trouble falling asleep, focus on the deep love we share. May it fill your mind with peace, joy, and sweet dreams. Good night!
You are in my thoughts when I am awake or asleep. I hope I am in yours, too.
The lonely nights are tough, but they hold the promise of happy tomorrows with you in my arms. Good night, dearest one.
You are the light of my life. With you, there are no dark nights, only pleasant interludes of rest.
Theres a beautiful moon out tonight, but none as beautiful as the light that comes from your compassionate soul. I am blessed to be by your side.
I dream of the day when I would be close enough to drive over and pick you up for a late night date. Soon, my love, soon. Meantime, good night kisses for you from me.

I go to sleep every night comforted by the thought that you belong to me and I to you.
I am tired and sleepy, but the day cant end if I dont say good night to my one and only sweetie.
Even in the darkest night, your peaceful radiance shines through. Good night, my Queen.
I am staring at the stars in the dark sky and thinking that I see you among them the brightest, shiniest and most radiant one. I fall asleep, knowing that you are watching over me. Good night, my love.
To me, you are the whole universe, in all its magnificence and mystery. You rule my nights and days. Good night, sweet love.
If stars were made for wishing, then you my dear, would be in every star that shows up in the dark night. Pleasant dreams and happy new day when you wake.
Special Good Night Messages for Friends
Heres to a great friendship that knows neither light nor dark. Good night, my BFF.
Good night, sleep tight, my friend. Tomorrow is a new beginning regardless of today.
Im lucky to have a friend like you in my life. Tonight I wish you health, happiness, and pleasant dreams. Have a good nights sleep!
Each time I think of you, Im reminded of how grateful I am for our friendship. May you have a pleasant nights sleep tonight.
They say that you and I are like night and day. Thats because we remain steadfast through the darkest nights and brightest days of our friendship. For now, night-night my dear friend.
May the angels guard you and help you sleep fitfully. Good night.
Dear friend, may a great nights sleep leave you feeling refreshed and ready for everything tomorrow brings. Wishing you the very best!
Dear friend, may God grant you a quiet, serene nights sleep. Thank you for the numerous ways youve blessed my life with your friendship.
Each night as I count my blessings, you come to mind. Pleasant dreams, dear friend!
As night falls and I observe the distant moon and far off stars, Im reminded that no matter how far apart we are, friendship keeps us close. Sweet dreams to my forever friend.
Sending you my love and blessings for a restful night. I look forward to chatting with you again tomorrow.
Pleasant dreams and rejuvenating rest are my wishes for you tonight, dear friend! Have a good night!
My Mom used to tuck me in at night and say Dream youre a princess. What do you (a REAL princess) dream at night?
A warm snuggle is attached to this message. From me to you, sweet dreams, my friend.
The night is no barrier to the good times we share. Thanks to social media, we are always connected, But for now, lets catch up on the zzzzzs. Tomorrow is another adventure.
Sweet dreams, dear friend. You gotta close your eyes before you can experience those dreams, silly!
The night is deep, and we must sleep for tomorrow holds more promises of new adventures.
As soon as you read this message, close your eyes and feel the tight hugs from a thousand miles away. Good night.
Night is my favorite time of day because of the secret promises behind it. As besties forever, we share so many of these secrets.
Lights out, they say. But not for us because the power of our dreams keep the bright lights burning as we sleep.
Heres to deep sleep and a powerhouse of good dreams that will jumpstart an exciting tomorrow.
This is good night not goodbye. It will never be goodbye for us. Rock on, my friend.
Everyone gets second chances. Go to sleep. Your second chance awaits you as soon as you wake to a new dawn.
Darker nights make the stars glow brighter. Remember this on your darkest nights. Look up and look to the stars for inspiration.
It is not immediately obvious to those who lack creativity, but the night is more richly brilliant than day. You will find more inspiration in the quiet depths of night if you surrender to its mysterious charms.
As sure as day turns to night, I will always be here to hold your hands when the going gets tough. Sleep well, my friend.
The night is lovely in its solitude. Take the time to enjoy these restful moments to recharge for a brand new day.
There is no one more adventurous than you are when it comes to taking risks. I am happy to be your partner-in-crime. But thank goodness for adventure-free nights. Good night.
We can bridge the distance by simply saying good night, dear friend.