
Good Morning Messages for Friends with Cute and Funny Cards

Good Morning Messages

Everyone needs a quick pick-me-up in the morning. Send sincere good morning messages of cheer and caring thoughts via text, email or social media to let your friends and family know that you are thinking of them. You want to send something short and sweet to kick start their day. You want something meaningful and memorable to carry them through their busy day, but you don’t really want to spend the time every morning formulating these messages. Not everyone can summon their creative side first thing in the morning, so here are a few inspirational nuggets that you can customize for friends and family. Remember, you can’t package the sunshine or even a steaming cup of caffeine, but you can certainly light up someone’s life first thing in the morning with a few sweet words of caring and good cheer. Check out Good Morning Messages below.


Unique Good Morning Messages


Good morning. May you have a day as bright as your smiles and as sweet as your soul.


You are the fresh breath of morning even on the grayest of days. I hope you have a day as wonderful as you are.


Rise and shine, princess of dawn. The world awaits your smiles.


It’s a beautiful day because you’re part of it. Have a wonderful day!


Today I woke up blue, but then I thought of you.

It changed my mood from droll to more than good.

Good wishes for a most wonderful day.


Forget yesterday; it’s over.

Embrace today; it’s a chance at a do-over.

Cheers for the new day!


A beautiful morning for a beautiful soul.

Good morning!


No one can see the future; we only know that it is coming.

Relish today as a foretaste of that bright future coming your way.


Nothing says happy morning like a good cup of joe.

Grab one for me and know that I am thinking of you.


Here’s a good morning hug from me to you.

You are in my thoughts today, tomorrow and every day.


Today is the future that we worried about yesterday. See, it’s not so bad.

Here’s to a happy day.


Virtual lilies are coming your way

To wish you a blessed, peaceful day.


Good morning, dear heart. I hope you have a day filled with all the gladness that you bring to this world.


Tick-tock, time to be up and about. The sun shines brighter because of you.


You are fresher than the garden blooms at first light.

You are sweeter than honeysuckle at night.

I am happy that you’re here.

Good morning, my dear.


At the end of this day, you will ask yourself: “What have I done to make the world a better place?” In the meantime, have a great morning.


Everyone deserves second chances, and third and fourth and more. Thankfully, we always have the promise of morning. It’s a new day. Enjoy it.


From across an ocean, I am imagining you waking up to bright sunshine. Good morning.


I woke up to the radio playing our jam. It brought back memories of quiet mornings with you. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead.


Welcome to a new day! Grab it, relish it, and enjoy it.


Like clockwork , my thoughts turn to you at daybreak. You are all that is good in my mornings.


Top of the morning to a wonderful, good-humored and fascinating person who never fails to cheer me up. I wish there were more of you in this world.


I think that you are the reason the sun rises every morning. I hope you have a great day today


Good morning! Now let’s all lean in for a group hug. Feel better? Now one more time for good luck.


In life, we are blessed with wonderful friends who hold us up when we are down and who cheer us up when the going gets tough. You are one of those people in my life, and I hope you never get tired of waking up to my reminders of your wonderful-ness. Have a great morning.


I don’t always wake up this cheerful, but since I did today, I’m spreading the joy. Good morning, happy thoughts and heartfelt wishes for a wonderful and productive day for everyone.


Cute Images with Good Morning Messages for Friends






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200 Sweet Good Morning Messages with Images

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